Support our work
We rely on the kindness of our supporters
We are a small charity who always welcomes support from volunteers. There are multiple ways you can help out – from taking on voluntary roles to less time-intense activities. Have a browse and if something tickles your fancy, we’d love to chat to you about your potential involvement.

We offer a variety of volunteer roles to suit different interests and commitments. You can get involved on a varieties of levels, for example working closely with our service users as Group Facilitator or Befriender, or helping with the operational side of things as Trustee or Events & Social Media volunteer.

Fundraising activities are a great way to support a charitable cause without commiting to a full role. We have listed a variety of ideas for you to choose from. Have your own idea? We’d love to hear about it.

We’ve all been there: you love the work a charity does and would love to support them further, but time is limited. Read through our list of suggestions how you can support us even if you only have a little bit of time available.

Befriending is a great way to provide support. Many of our volunteers are befrienders, playing a vital role in being there for someone who needs support. Find out more and let us know if you want to be a part of helping someone on the road to recovery.