Shared experiences
Read about the stories from others who are in their recovery journey.
Diagnosed with anorexia at the age of 36
I was ashamed. I was a mum of four beautiful children, but I had allowed my weight to drop so low that my hearing was affected and my body couldn’t function properly. I couldn’t honestly see how bad I had become. I knew I needed help but as I wasn’t the stereotypical person with anorexia it wasn’t easy. I found your charity on Facebook and in all honesty it was my last hope. I remember crying as I wrote my first message to them, as I honestly knew it was my last hope. I had given up, I really thought my kids were better off without me. I knew I was dying and I had actually accepted it.
A few hours later I had a message back and it was from Anne and for the first time ever in my illness I actually felt hope! Anne assured me I wasn’t alone and told me the charity would help me. I was sceptical at first but I can honestly say it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Colin, Anne and the other volunteers have been amazing in my recovery. I can never thank them enough, they have never judged me, just showed me compassion, understanding and commitment to help me recover. They were a huge part of giving my children their mum back and helping me to recover!
The charity really was a lifesaver for me...
The charity really was a lifesaver for me at a time where I felt unsupported and lost in my recovery journey.
After reaching out but struggling to get NHS support, I turned to the charity to help recover from the eating disorder I’d had since my teens. I wanted and needed to change but didn’t know where to start. Talking to people who understood what I was going through was invaluable at this time.
The charity supported me to access the treatment I needed and also provided a support network for my recovery journey. Fully recovering from my eating disorder was a process that took years. There were many bumps along the way but the charity supported me through them. I think a big part of recovery is learning to love yourself again and learning who you are separate from your eating disorder.
I was SupportED
Speaking honestly and openly in an environment where people really understand you really helped to build my self-esteem and learn who I was again. Recovery roots were also a constant reminder that full recovery was possible. I now consider myself to be fully recovered from my eating disorder and enjoy a healthy relationship with food. The charity played a big part in helping me to achieve this and for that I am forever grateful.
Getting support for an Eating Disorder

Living with an eating disorder can be isolating. We want to lift some of that loneliness through our group and befriending services. Find out where we meet and join us.

We provide regular group support sessions (online as well as offline) and a variety of public-facing events throughout the year. Find out when and where they take place.